Monday, March 9, 2009

Music Monday

So it isn't Monday yet, well shoot I guess it is Monday already! Darn Daylight Saving:( Anyways, I just had to post this one for you Kiff!!! Hope you enjoy the musical styling of your boy Jackson. He is hilarious in this video. It gave me a smile watching it. Wanna go catch his show in Hollywood ;) Click on the pic to watch!

Part 2: Oh and guess who will be on Jimmy Fallon's show on the 19th!!!! None other that Eric Church and the Boys. Who would have thought he would make it to the big leagues. Glad to see him bask in the limelight a bit. Well off I go to check on all things Twilight there is a bunch of new gossip and sightings today so don't miss out!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOL I am so laughing at that video... because I want scissors so bad... LOL As for ECB on Jimmy Fallon... That is AWESOME! woo hoo :)
