Monday, March 30, 2009

Music Monday

from Kiff:

Ohh yeah, we have been MIA (as giggles would say)... She also said that she went to church 5 times last week... Ahem, that would be her attending some Eric Church concerts... LOL (We will go to real church soon, my dear... :) ) She has some awesome pictures and I cannot wait to see them all... The black and whites are SWWWWEEEEEETTT!

Nonetheless, it is Music Monday and here is my entry... Since I have pretty much entered the world of Twilight in January, I have seen a lot of cool stuff that revolves around the movie, the series, and the actors... One thing that I realized of course as we all know is that Rob Pattinson is a great musician and he has some musical buddies from jolly ole London... One of those buddies is the guy that taught him how to play guitar and wrote "Let Me Sign"... After looking up Rob's music and listening, I had some definite favorites... I come to find out that my favorites had one thing in common... This gentleman:
Marcus Foster

He is excellent and I venture to say that (shhhhh... this is hard for me)... But, I enjoy him a tad more than even Rob... (hides under table) Take a listen... :) This is probably my favorite song of his.... with cool Twilight movie quotes added in... :) Have a good one!

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