Thursday, March 5, 2009

Never Think Thursday!

Okay Giggles here! I am sure the title of this blog sucks, but by the time Thursday comes around I stop thinking and am officially brain dead. So Thursday is the day where we just write something without thinking. I dropped the ball yesterday Kiff :( and didn't respond to your post about our boy Robert!! I don't know what the heck is wrong with me seriously. Lucky, no fair you look like Tina Fey. Well let's see what else can i think of to write about. How about that Eric Church guy. Well he officially starts his "Young and Wild Tour" next week. It should be an interesting concert going experience for all. Just look at that picture, how could you not love the ECB boys!!!
And hey that Marcus Foster guy has some good tunes thanks for having such a good ear and sending me his direction Kiff! Hopefully you will have some interesting reviews of the BNL concert soon! Can't Wait Kiff:)

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