Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wacky Wednesday! 3/4/09

from Kiff:

Well, here we are... Our first Wacky Wednesday for our blog... Since I have not posted yet about Twilight (I missed Twilight Tuesday darn it!).. Some of the best news of the day that I have heard is that this gentleman:

Started working on New Moon today in Canada.... Can I hear an OH YEAH? The only stinky thing is, I wonder how much he is actually going to be in the movie? Hmmmmm.... dang it, why did Edward have to leave Bella for a huge chunk of that book... lol

Now, here is the
Wacky News... Rob has said that he thinks that Tina Fey is sexy right? (Kiff throws her hair back and pushes up her own Tina Feyish glasses... ahem) Well, how wacky is it that she called him the devil, and she said that he was actually a sexy devil recently?... She was on Jimmy Fallon last night and saw that she and Rob were in a shot at the Oscars recently and proceeded to call him a "sexy devil"... Jimmy corrected her and said that he was the "Twilight guy".. :) Correction... HE is the HOT Twilight guy, Jimmy... get that right.... ;)

Wonder what my buddy Giggles thinks of all this wackiness? What ya thinkin giggles? :)

Ya'll take care!

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