Sunday, March 15, 2009

ECB news and BNL Montage Video

from Kiff:

As I sit and wait anxiously for giggles to return from her ECB wild weekend in MI... I had some time to work with my new video editing program and my videos from BNL last weekend... I decided to create a montage of some of the videos I have... I am loving all of the cool new effects that are on the program.... Cool stuff!

Oh yeah, a bit of Twilight news... At Wal-Mart I asked some associates about the Twilight DVD release party at my local store and got two responses, "I don't know about that..." and "We're having a party next Friday night? Are you gonna bring the beer?" I KID you NOT! :) Sooooo, I am wondering if I will be attending that party or the Hot Topic party.... HMMMM decisions, decisions...

Giggles, you let me know what you are thinking... I am waiting for ECB news too dude! lol

Here is that BNL video for ya:

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