Thursday, April 16, 2009

Never Think Thursday Part 2

Well as you know Kiff has been a little bored without me the past week. She has gone off the Twilight deep end!! HAHA jkjkjkjk. Thought I better post something to break things up a bit, but then again who can't get enough of Mr. Pattinson these days:)! You may not have know, but I took an unexpected trip back home. Let's just say it was a very emotional trip. It started out good and went south from there. I hit an ECB show in the great state of Illinois. Wanted to meet up with some old friends, but it didn't pan out. Two of them had to back out of the show one was not expecting me to be there, the other car trouble. I had fun anyways but missed them dearly! I have to admit the "Young and Wild Tour" has really gone full circle. Every show gets better and better. I have to say the show last Friday was definitely one of the top 3 I have been to so far and I have been to a few ;) hahaha! I really enjoy taking pictures and being out on the road listening to great bands and music. It is the one place I can go to forget my problems for a few hours. Without it I would probably go insane. I will post some pictures of the Chicago show soon. I am getting ready to hit my second ECB show with my best bud Kiff tomorrow in Charlotte, so be sure to check out our review which will be up soon after the show. Hers will probably be up first, as I am thinking of hitting the Greenville show on Saturday. Oh by the way hey C, (you know who you are;)) glad to see you found me!

Til Sunday~ Giggles:)

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