Monday, April 6, 2009

Music Monday

Well it's Monday again! Boooo Mondays suck:(. Cool car you dad has there Kiff. So glad he got a chance to take it out for everyone to check out! Wonderful picture taking skills girl!! They look great:)! Anyways back to music, music makes everything in life a little sweeter. Over the past few months I found myself consumed in music so much so I bearly watch TV anymore. Thankfully, last night after 101 pages and 500 pictures, I finally finished the photo book I have been working on for the past 5 months. Boy that is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Hopefully the ECB boys enjoy it as much as they did the last one. I'm crossing my fingers. I have to admit it looks pretty good now that it's done. Can't thank Kiff enough for her constructive criticism and helping me pull it all together!

Anyways another big Thanks to Kiff for buying me my very own "How To Be" soundtrack. I can't wait to hear it. Time is getting near for another ECB Roadtrip for three shows then there is Dave Matthews (btw check this out Kiff "No Doubt, Dave Matthews Band, All-American Rejects, Flo Rida, Black Eyed Peas and Jennifer Hudson are among the bands and musicians scheduled to appear on NBC's "Today" as part of the morning television show's 14th annual summer concert series. For groups like Kings of Leon and the Dave Matthews Band, this summer's "Today" show appearances will mark their first morning television concerts". Hmm Kings of Leon??? Think Rob will be there???? hahaha) Then there is the All-Star race fun. Woohoo busy couple of months coming up here! Well that all from the land of Giggles!! Talk to you again soon!

Wait a sec, before I go, I have one new artist well new on the scene. His name is Jonathan Singleton. He has written a couple hits like Gary Allan's "Watchin' Airplanes". Go check him out when you get a chance he is really good live!! Go here for info on Jonathan and his band the Grove.
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And get a free download of his new single.

I'll leave you with this amazing video of my boy Gary Allan. This is a brand new song that will be on his new album. Check it Out!!

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