Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Twi Tour Atlanta Pics

from Kiff:

Aaaah, I'm back... I had a great time at the Twi Tour in Atlanta... Everyone was so nice (stars and fans alike) and I was so please to meet two awesome new Twilight pals.. Alaina and Franzi, you rock! LOL Some of the funniest highlights of the weekend?

Kellan wrote "I ♥ U!" on my husband's picture and I had to ask him if he really did love my hubby... He looks up, laughs and is like... "Oh yeahhhh, much love man, much love..." lol

I told Catherine, "Thank you so much for creating something that my husband and I enjoyed so much and we had to see it again and again in the theaters." My hubby responded, "Yeah, as soon as we saw it the first time, we ran out and went right to the bookstore to get the book for her." and Catherine said, "Ohhh, I thought you were going to say ran to the bedroom, because it was so sexy right?" LOL Oh my, my, good times, good times.... lol :)

I will write up a complete summary sometime this week, but here are some more pictures of Kellan, Ashley, Kellan and Ashley, and Catherine... Enjoy! :)

Blurry Pic, but I love this one... :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hey Y'all

While Kiffy was in Atlanta having a heck of a time with the stars of Twilight (I have heard all about the events first hand and even got a call during Billy Burke's interview! Thanks Kiffy!!!!!!!!!!!!!), I was in Michigan for the American Saturday Night Tour starring Brad Paisley, Dierks Bentley and Jimmy Wayne this past Friday. Was lucky enough to score some great seats from a very generous friend thanks Lynn! Met up with Sweet Caroline, a sweet Canadian, that I have gotten to know the past couple of years.

First up was Jimmy Wayne, missed one of his songs because I was running behind getting to the venue, stupid traffic. Jimmy is so full of energy and has an amazing voice. Not bad looking either! Head over to Jimmy's twitter page to find out more about him and jimmywayne.com to check out his music.

After Jimmy's set, it was time to get a little bit "Sideways" with Dierks Bentley! Let just say Dierks is crazy to say the least. He makes it nearly impossible to take pictures of him. At one point Dierks started running down the catwalk dropped to his knees and slid to the end, but he ran out of runway so to speak because he ended up falling off the stage onto a girl in the front row and the security guard. Lucky girl!! He ended up giving her a beer to make up for falling on her. Dierks was soaking wet with sweat as his portion of the show was coming to a close. He really puts his whole heart into his performance. Definitely be sure to check him out! Here are a few pics for you to check out! Dierks is easy on the eyes for sure! Enjoy!

I was really looking foward to seeing the next guy that was up, Mr. Brad Paisley! I had seen Jimmy and Dierks a handful of time over the past few years so I already knew what to expect from them. I was pleasantly surprise with Brad's performance. He did a really good job. Love his new song "Then" you should check it out if you get a chance sometime in the near future. Brad's show has some really amazing graphics and effects. At one point in the show Brad began singing "Waiting on a Woman and on the big screen behind him the video was playing with Andy Griffith. At the end Brad climbed the stairs and played in front of the screen beside Andy. It was really neat to see it. He also did a tribute to all the people we have lost over the years including Dale Earnhardt and Micheal Jackson. It was apowerful moment for sure. Well here are a few pics of Brad to look!

Til next week! I am heading to Nashville on a concert spree!!!! I get to see one of my favorite new singers, JEREMY MCCOMB!!! He is an amazing singer/songwriter be sure to check him out at www.jeremymccomb.com, his website is one of the best I've ever seen in the music business! I'll keep you updated with what's happening in Nashville!! Kiffy will be updating soon as well. She saw Kellan and Ashley today in Atlanta and has some awesome pictures she will upload soon!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Kellan Lutz, of course he is a hottie

Just pics for now... Gotta run to see Ashley! :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Peter Facinelli, We love you! :) Whatta guy...

So you know how you can kind of pick up on someone's personality from their twitter, facebook, blog, etc... Well, let's just say that I have always thought that Peter Facinelli seemed like a pretty laid back, funny guy from what he posts on his twitter account (@peterfacinelli) and by golly... It is true... Peter is also one cool cat... (So, we are two for two with awesome Q&A sessions at the Twi Tour convention thus far... :))

Some highlights, Peter really hopes that the stiching scene that he did with Kristin gets to stay in new moon... He said that they did some really up close shots and it is kinda gross, so we will have to see... He practiced for the stiching scene beforehand by stiching up styrofoam and things like that, but then he started practicing on raw chicken... (yeuucckkk, I know lol) He said that the Nanny would come home and see what he was doing and be like... "uhhh, ok this guy is a weirdo..." LOL He even said that he was so proud of one of his chicken stich up jobs that he brought it to the set to show everyone...

So, his phone kept ringing throughout the session.... One time it was his agent (who didn't know where he was? lol) and his wife... Well, he was telling Jennie that he was doing a session and put her on speaker phone and she was like "ohhh ok".. Well, he told her that he loved her and I guess that she didn't hear it because he was like... "I will call you later and he was like... you love me?" and she said... "Ohhhhh, ok.... uhh bye!" lol His face was priceless right there... He has an awesome smile.... :)
Someone asked which character from Twilight that he would like his girls to grow up to be like and he joked that he has three girls so one could be Rosalie, one could be like Alice, and one could be like Bella... but then he said seriously that he wanted them to grow up to be like his wife... :)

So, this lucky chick right here asked what kind of cologne he was wearing and he told her and then asked if she would like to come and smell him and of course she obligdged.... But, when she said that she smelled the leather jacket, he took it off and let her smell his shirt... lol woo hooo
So, came the time later when we actually got to meet Peter and Billy and it was sooo worth the wait.... Billy was so cool and laid back and I told him that we appreciate him tweeting (@billy_burke).. From his tweets today it looked like he had an awesome time and you could just tell that he was enjoying himself today... He had to use the restroom right before we got to him in the autograph line and he actually kinda danced out of the room into the hallway where everyone was waiting and then ran back when he was done... It was a pretty funny site... LOL

Meeting Peter... wowzas... I tell ya, this man is goregous on film, cute in pictures, but seeing him in person I was like.... "Whoa...." I literally had to catch my breath when I saw him... He is a cutey potutey! So, the moment of truth came....

My mother, yes, the one who did NOT know that he was a vampire and had an epiphany about 3/4 of the way into the movie that he was actually one AND a doctor that ran around the hospital all pale and wearing lipstick got to meet Peter and asked him why he was wearing lipstick.... We told him a condensed story about how she didn't know that he was a vampire and wondered why he was wearing lipstick and he said.... "Ohhhhh, I wasn't wearing lipstick.... the makeup pales me down so much that my lips really stand out..." Mom was like, "Ohhh, okk..." and I leaned over and whispered.... "Yeah, she thought you were wearing lipstick..." LOL Mom also asked him what his family thought of his hair when he had to dye it and he said that they didn't even notice... LOL I told him thanks for all his tweets and to keep on tweeting... LOL I also told him thanks for saying "Animal Attack" at the Affliction signing that was broadcast on the internet... Thus, Team Animal Attack was born from that chatroom... lol

Well, thanks for reading.... Kellan and Ashley will have Q&A's tomorrow and I hope to get some good pics and post them... Sweet Twilight dreams ya'll! :)

Here are some more pics of Peter Facinelli (Mr. Smiley himself) :)

Billy Burke at Twi Tour Atlanta

Mr. Billy Burke, what can I say? In a word... Hilarious... :) Yes, Billy was on fire today at the Twi Tour convention in Atlanta... He is one cool cat... He answered many questions and had a bunch of really witty responses.... Such as...

Yes, I have tatoos... Here is one with my daughter's name on it... :) awwww

Yeah, I have a favorite movie... The Original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

I would have to say my favorite song right now is "Panic Switch" from Silver Sun Pickups... I just like the way it sounds like the guy is singing from the bottom of a lake (twitter peeps would know this one already... :) )

Of course I will do the Halo for you... That was totally improptu, Catherine asked me to do something non-verbal and that was what I came up with... lol :) (I for one, LOVE it... :) )

Much more to come soon! Here are some random pics though for my darling Giggles who could not attend this convention (there is one here in March, start packing? C'mon now... Let's take off more work... LOL woo hoo :) )

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I can blog from my phone now! :) woo hoo lol

Sweetness. So I can blog from my phone now. This will come in so handy when I'm in Atlanta @ the Twilight Convention. Woo hoo :)